Fit for TISAX® - Achieving TISAX® conformity

Your current situation

Your company is planning to conduct an information security assessment as part of TISAX® and would like to be optimally prepared for the assessment. Or you have already completed an assessment and now need support in implementing the improvement measures.

This project is intended to ensure compliance with the defined information security requirements in accordance with TISAX®.

The goal is to successfully pass or complete the information security assessment by an accredited provider and to provide evidence of an adequate level of information security for TISAX®.

Our service portfolio

Based on your specific initial situation and in line with our modular process model, we start with

  • Phase 1 Gap analysis if you want to prepare for an assessment or
  • Phase 2 Implementation if you need support with implementation.

Please note that a commissioned Fit for TISAX® consulting service excludes a subsequent TISAX® Assessment by OS.

We will be happy to submit an individual offer. Please contact us!

TISAX® is a registered trademark of the ENX Association.